Friday, August 28, 2009

It's The End of The World as I Know it!

August in the village has been pretty slow. Why you ask? Well, school is closed for the holiday and I have no big projects to work on until school starts. What have you been up to? Well, that is why I’m blogging.

For the first week of August I sat at my house, read books, and drank coffee. It was great! Until my world as I knew it came crashing to an end. Well not so much crashing as breaking. I'll start from the real beginning, when I came to Zambia.

If you have ever met me, you know that I love coffee. I came to Zambia with a french press in my carry on (so it wouldn't get broken) and 3 bags of starbucks to get me through the first few months. I drink it all day long, even in Zambia, which is very expensive considering I have to have my mom constantly send me starbucks coffee grounds. Drinking coffee keeps me sane. It keeps me connected to America-land and my old habits. It gives me something to do. The whole time I have been here, I have had coffee everyday except one-I was so sick that I couldn't drink anything. I just love coffee! Ever since I came, I have said that if anything happens to my french press, I'll just go home. I am that connected to my coffee drinking.

And then it happened. My french press broke.

Joy, my little brother, was pretending he was a cow at my house and accidentally knocked it over. And it broke. Beyond repair broke. Not just cracked, but broke. As soon as it happened, I knew it was broken. It was the worst sound that I have ever heard. I knew before I looked at it, it was broken. All the kids that were at my house immediately told me that they were “sorry, sorry.” I sent them all home so I could cry by myself. I cried for a little bit, texted 2 of my friends so at least some one could feel sorry for me, and then Joy came back to my house. And even though he is only a year and a half, he could tell I was mad. I told him to go back home. So he went outside and stood just outside my door, hoping that I would be happy again. He soon gave up and went back home and didn't come back the rest of the day. After a few hours, I was ok with my french press being broken. But I still can't bear throwing it down the pit latrine (where all things glass and un-burnable go). It is sitting, broken and sad looking, on my table.

And as fast as it happened, it was fixed. One of my friends that I texted, Brittany (, texted me back right away and told me I could use hers until I finish. She has saved my life more than she will ever know. And things are right with the world again! (And I have forgiven Joy, even though it was just an accident, and he is back to being happy again!)

Now I'm hanging out in town, waiting for my blisters to heal (that was another August adventure. Long story short, I tried to wear shoes sans socks, got blisters, they got infected, now i'm on antibiotics and waiting for them to heal) and getting ready for school to start next month!

More later!

PS: I’m not leaving Zambia just because my French press broke. Thanks Brittany!